Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The big fella, Budderball, is constantly thinking about his next meal.

heres the group talking out what they will do next.......
this is Bu-dah meditating
they just got out from the wine factory!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

there is budderball and his future owner
this is cute budderball after it rained i know my friend would like this

my second favorite one is rosebud she is so cute!

the football one is budderball the baseball one is Bud-ah the basketball one is B-dawg the volleyball one is mudbud and the soccer one is rosebud. dont tell me you dont love all 5 pups!

this is Mr.wolf who tried to test there bravery and tried to help the buddies

this is my favorite B-dawg he is all about the bling!

this is my best friends favorite budderball who is in the middle molly the mom is on the left and air bud the dad is on the right

Monday, February 12, 2007

i love the game nintendogs this picture just reminds me of air buddies